The latest from Beautiful Trouble

GURU Fund Guest User GURU Fund Guest User

Empowering Youth for Environmental Justice: The East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project Protest

In a powerful display of unity and determination, Youth for Green Communities organized a University Day of Actions on July 3, 2023, in two key locations in Uganda: Hoima and Kampala. Students from various universities nationwide came together to raise their voices against the controversial East African Crude Oil Pipeline project. This initiative aimed to shed light on the project's devastating impacts on local communities and the environment while also advocating for change.

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GURU Fund Guest User GURU Fund Guest User

GURU Fund: Makerere University-Fees Must Fall! 

#FeesMustFall was triggered by a proposed 15 percent annual increase in fees for privately sponsored students (more than half of the student body) in Uganda. It was also backed by reports of misappropriation of funds that ran in the millions under Janet Museveni, the First Lady of Uganda and Minister of Education.

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GURU Fund Guest User GURU Fund Guest User

GURU Fund: Amuru youth strike again

Amuru Youth Development Forum mobilized 25 young activists to impound vehicles carrying logs to thwart deforestation. 37 trucks have been impounded so far with about 7400 bags of charcoal destroyed or redistributed to the local community.

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GURU Fund Guest User GURU Fund Guest User

GURU FUND: Zimbabwe National Student Union carries out HoldTheDoor! action

In March 2021, the Zimbabwean Government approved a fees increase of up to a massive 450 percent for universities following proposals by tertiary institutions in the country. A number of brave Zimbabwean students pushed for a complete reversal of the policy. They organised a blockade at the administration building, and sang and chanted while addressing other students and informing them of their right to quality, affordable education.

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GURU Fund Guest User GURU Fund Guest User

GURU Grantee: Right Care Alliance

Insulin continues to be the poster child for how the American healthcare system is failing as people struggle to afford and ration their insulin. On a cold November morning, 80 people gathered at Galaxy Park in Cambridge, MA, at the premises of several pharmaceutical companies to demonstrate.

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GURU Fund Guest User GURU Fund Guest User

GURU Grantee: Africa Unite School Club

Wearing their school uniform to deter excessive force from the police, the pupils from the Africa Unite School Club sat outside with powerful messages, songs, and chants, demanding that the parliamentary committee on climate change increase funding towards environmental protection before approving the 2020 national budget.

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